Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Step into My office Mr. Brown"

Mrs. Savido pulled me aside to have a conversation with me about my blog. Do you know what she told me? She told me that i am wasting time Writing these blogs and not Producing any work...But you know what???? I agree so i have taken the time i am given to class to straighten up. So i started by first making my Links page and a list of key terms that shall grow. So until next time...Remember you can bring a horse to the river but you cant make men be men.

1 comment:

Cody N. said...

She always pulls me to the side and says the same thing but I dont even have a real topic yet. I have the area that I want it to be in but I dont got a true topic. Your topic is good but it is real broad. I hope you do good and I would try to involve you church in it in some way to donate money or something and it may even get the church and your grandma recognized. I dont know its just an idea. But good luck.

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