Monday, September 21, 2009

So im planning....

a trip to the jubilee kitchen to complete a little service work. The Jubilee kitchen would be a great place to volunteer again because i have experience with them and i understand and agree with their mission. oh yeah and thanks whoesever idea it was to bring the g20 to pittsburgh now what we get is 3 days off of school. Thats alot of work i could have been doing but i guess i can always work at worries :)


sam said...

-finished outline
-finished notes
-start lit review
-identify action plan
-develop an action plan
-volunteer at a kitchen
-raise/buy canned goods
-Contact Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (call/email on Wednesday 9/23)

sam said...

-contacted Jubilee kitchens (trying to set up a meeting date)
-food day?
-brainstormed for lit review???
-start lit review (from last week)
-develop outline (contextualize statistics)

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